About Us

Situs ini adalah situs resmi untuk Kemajuan Pariwisata Banda Neira. Dibuat oleh Banda Bungin, seorang yang mempunyai darah campuran Banda Neira & Jawa. Keinginan pembuat situs ini adalah membuat daerah Banda Neira menjadi daerah wisata yang tak kalah Indahnya jika dibandingkan dengan Bali atau kawasan wisata terkemuka lainnya di dunia.

Secara khusus situs ini juga dipersembahkan untuk segenap keluarga besar di Banda Neira, Keluarga Bungin, Keluarga Djohar, Keluarga Assegaf, Keluarga Bahalwan, Keluarga Alkatiri, Keluarga Baadila, Keluarga Bansur, Keluarga Arsyad, Keluarga Morzed, Keluarga Maghrib, Keluarga Alatas, Keluarga Adzan, dan segenap keluarga besar lainnya yang tak dapat disebutkan satu persatu...

Ini situs kamorang semua... Mari kita dukung supaya Banda Neira jadi kawasan Wisata yang maju & didatangi oleh wisatawan domestik maupun luar negeri...

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Sutan Sjahrir dimata Banda & Indonesia

Oleh Muhammad Farid, M.Sos
Dosen Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora STKIP Hatta-Sjahrir

Adakah orang Banda yang tidak kenal Sjahrir? Disamping popularitas Mohammad Hatta, sutan Sjahrir juga tidak kalah harum namanya di Banda Naira, pulau kecil tempat diasingkannya sejumlah tokoh pergerakan nasional sejak 1936 sampai 1942. Meski tergolong muda, Sjahrir tetap dihargai dan dihormati pemikirannya, bahkan—menurut banyak ahli sejarah—melampaui Mohammad Hatta atau Ir. Soekarno itu sendiri.

Namun bagaimanakah status (popularitas) Sjahrir dimata orang Indonesia umumnya? Jawabannya sungguh sangat menyedihkan. Menurut putri kedua Sutan Sjahrir, Siti Rabyah Parvati Sjah, “kebanyakan orang masa kini, generasi muda, mulai SD sampai mahasiswa, tokoh sipil ataupun militer, guru sejarah, tidak mengenal siapa Sjahrir.” Ironis memang, seorang pejuang, sekaligus negarawan, Sjahrir justru terlupakan bangsanya sendiri.

Sjahrir adalah Perdana Menteri (PM) pertama Indonesia dengan begitu banyak pengalaman dalam diplomasi di masa kemerdekaan. Bahkan menurut para ahli sejarah, Sjahrir berperan penuh dalam membidani sistem parlemen itu sendiri. Sebagaimana yang ditulis Goerge McTurnan Kahin, dalam Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia, Ia (Sjahrir) adalah asitek terjadinya pergeseran sistem pemerintahan pada November 1945 dari sistem Presidensial menuju Parlementer.

Di usia belasan tahun, Sjahrir telah terlibat aktif dalam perjuangan revolusi, bahkan ikut mempelopori lahirnya sumpah pemuda pada Oktober 1928. Kahin mengemukakan, Sjahrir adalah tokoh paling berpengaruh menjelang Proklamasi Kemerdekaan. Meski tidak sedikit pula para ahli yang menentang pendapat itu.

Mungkin hanya orang Banda yang paling antusias mendukung peran Sjahrir terhadap kemerdekaan RI. Sebab, dimasa pembuangannya di Banda Naira, Sjahrir bersama Hatta telah membuktikan peranannya dengan mendirikan Sekolah Rakjat, yang bertempat di halaman belakang rumah Hatta. Menurut Des Awli (murid, sekaligus anak angkat keduanya), Hatta dan Sjahrir seringkali secara “sembunyi-sembunyi” mengajarkan nyanyian-nyanyian dengan irama lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya kepada murid-muridnya dalam bahasa Indo-Arab, jauh sebelum telinga orang Indonesia mendengarnya.

Aktivitas keduanya pun dibagi, jika Hatta lebih sibuk dengan urusan sekolah dan sering menghabiskan waktunya bersama buku-buku kesayangannya, Sjahrir lebih banyak memfokuskan dirinya bertemu para pemuda dan warga Banda sekitarnya. Meski demikian keduanya sama populer nya di mata orang Banda.

Lalu bagaimana “nasib” Sjahrir di wilayah lain negara ini? Dalam sebuah catatan perjalanan yang ditulis Syafruddin Ujang, tahun 2006—sebagai salah satu anggota rombongan Menteri Negara Pemberdayaan Perempuan Prof. Dr. Meutia Hatta Swasono, yang berkunjung ke Banda Naira untuk menghadiri lustrum perdana STP Hatta-Sjahrir—dapat kita lihat jelas perbedaannya. “Kepahlawanan Bung Hatta dan Bung Sjahrir yang dipuja di Banda Naira, nyaris tercerabut di Minangkabau” (asal kelahiran kedua tokoh, red), demikian awal tulisan Ujang.
Namun yang paling mengagumkan bagi penulis, adalah “bagaimana orang Banda mengapresiasi kedua tokoh nasional tersebut. Meski cuma tinggal selama enam tahun di masa pembuangan, Bung Hatta, Sjahrir dan sejumlah tokoh pergerakan kemerdekaan lainnya seperti dr. Tjipto Mangunkoesoemo dan I.K. Soemantri, sangatlah berkesan di hati masyarakat Banda….Dibuktikan dengan terpeliharanya rumah-rumah pengasingan tokoh-tokoh tersebut. Mengabadikan nama Hatta dan Sjahrir, untuk sebuah Masjid, dan juga untuk dua buah pulau, yaitu Pulau Pisang menjadi pulau Sjahrir, dan Pulau Rosengging menjadi Pulau Hatta…”

Tidak cukup sampai disitu, pada tahun 2001 silam, dibawah Yayasan Warisan dan Budaya Banda yang dipimpin Des Alwi, warga Banda Naira sepakat untuk mendirikan sebuah Perguruan Tinggi yang bernama Hatta-Sjahrir. Kini Lembaga Pendidikan—yang dipimpin langsung oleh Prof.Dr. Hamadi Husain, seorang putra asli Banda—tengah meningkatkan kualitasnya menuju Universitas, dengan tiga Fakultas; Fakultas Perikanan (terakreditasi), Fakultas Pendidikan (SK resmi tahun 2009), dan Fakultas Pertanian (tahap usulan).

Apresiasi yang begitu tinggi terhadap tokoh Nasional, khususnya Sjahrir di Banda Naira, tampaknya tak terjadi di wilayah Indonesia lainnya. Khususnya Sutan Sjahrir di tanah Minang tempat kelahirannya seolah lenyap ditelan bumi. Dari catatan sejarah, Sjahir, lahir di Padang Panjang pada lima Maret seribu sembilan ratus kosong sembilan. Namun peninggalan Sjahrir semasa kecil sulit ditemukan. Jejak yang masih bisa dilacak, adalah mengunjungi rumah adik tirinya, Rohana Kudus di Kampung Labuah Gadang di Koto Gadang. Namun, tidak ada satupun orang yang bisa ditemui. Kabarnya, rumah ini sejak lama sepi ditinggal penghuninya. Begitu pula dengan rumah kedua orang tua Sjahrir di Kampung Piliang, masih di Koto Gadang. Rumah besar ini kosong dan tidak terawat. Jejak Sjahrir sudah sulit ditemukan di tanah kelahiranya. Sejarah hanya mencatat, ia lahir di Tanah Minang ini dan tahun 1966 tutup usia di dalam tahanan di Zurich - Swiss. "Di samping Sjahrir, Tan Malaka juga tak bisa kalian cari," demikian tutur Oom Des, sapaan akrab Des Alwi.

INTELEKTUALISME SJAHRIR: Upaya memanusiakan manusia Indonesia

Sebagai bapak Sosialisme Indonesia, pemikiran dan visi Sjahrir terlampau jauh menembus zamannya, bahkan melampaui Soekarno dan Hatta itu sendiri, demikian pengakuan banyak ahli.
Menurut John Legge, seorang ahli sejarah Universitas Monash, Australia, yang dikutip Herdi Sahrasad, pemikiran Sjahrir mempunyai makna dalam beragam interpretasi. Makna pemikirannya bukan terletak pada perannya sebagai sebuah organisasi politik, melainkan pada fakta, bahwa dia merepresentasikan suatu aliran moral dan politik yang bersumber dari nilai-nilai kehidupan bangsa kita. Dia memperjuangkan human dignity, martabat manusia dengan segala suka dukanya. (Jawa Pos, 4 Maret, 2009).

Mungkin hanya Sjahrir, dan segelintir pejuang dan intelektual Indonesia yang aktif memperjuangkan martabat bangsa, sesuatu yang sudah terlalu asing pada pribadi petinggi negara kini. Perilaku korup, indisipliner, terjerat dalam belitan skandal moral, adalah bukti moral petinggi negara dan bangsa ini sedang kritis. Meskipun bukan sosok yang paling berpengaruh (dibawah bayang-bayang nama besar Soekarno-Hatta), Sjahrir muda telah meletakkan dasar prilaku dan moral yang mengagumkan, dan memberi contoh yang begitu mulia, bukan saja kepada pemuda-pemudi Indonesia, namun juga kepada orang yang lebih tua darinya.

Sebagai intelektual, ia enggan menjadi menara gading hingga melupakan rakyatnya yang jelata dan tak berpendidikan. Sebagai pemuda, ia tidak tercerabut dari akar moralitas hingga terjerat dalam belitan prilaku amoral. Jujur, Indonesia masih merindukan Sjahrir-Sjahrir muda terlahir kembali. Bangkit dan melawan krisis intelektualisme dan moralitas bangsa yang carut-marut ini.
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Ikan Batik Berwajah Manusia di Laut Banda Neira

Satu lagi bukti kekayaan laut kita (Indonesia).
Ikan ini merupakan spesies baru, bila dilihat sekilas hampir mirip dengan ikan kerapu.
Yang lebih berciri khas Indonesia, ikan ini mempunyai motif lurik seperti batik di sekujur tubuhnya.

Yang tak kalah menarik dari penampilan ikan ini adalah mukanya yang datar dan mata menonjol sehingga sekilas mirip manusia. Apalagi dengan mulut yang lebar, sesekali terlihat seperti seseorang yang tersenyum.
Ikan unik dari perairan Ambon dengan bentuk tubuh yang bulat seperti kodok dan bermotif batik ini ditahbiskan sebagai spesies baru. Hasil pemeriksaan DNA menunjukkan bahwa ikan tersebut berbeda dengan semua jenis ikan yang ada.

Keberadaannya pertama kali ditemukan seorang instruktur selam yang bekerja pada sebuah operator wisata setahun lalu di perairan dangkal sekitar Pulau Ambon dan banda. Penemuan tersebut langsung dilaporkan kepada Ted Petsch, pakar ikan dari Universitas Washington untuk dipelajari.

"Seperti ikan kodok lainnya, ia punya sirip pada kedua sisi tubuhnya dan tumbuh seperti kaki. Namun, perilakunya belum pernah terlihat pada ikan sejenis lainnya," ujar Pietsch. Misalnya, ikan yang bertubuh bulat tersebut terlihat sesekali memantulkan diri di dasar laut seperti sebuah bola karet yang bergerak tak beraturan.

Pietsch kemudian memberinya nama spesies psychedelica sesuai gambaran penampilan dan perilakunya. Ikan tersebut masuk dalam genus Histiophryne sehingga nama ilmiahnya Histiophryne psychedelica.

"Saya pikir orang telah begitu mengenal ikan kodok dan menemukan satu ekor yang baru seperti ini sungguh terdengar spektakuler, " ujar Mark Erdman, penasihat senior program kelautan Conservation International. Ia mengatakan penemuan tersebut juga menunjukkan bahwa keanekaragaman spesies di kawasan habitat yang masuk dalam Segitiga Koral tersebut mungkin masih banyak yang belum terungkap.

Tubuhnya yang sebesar kepalan tangan orang dewasa dilindungi kulit berlipat yang keras sehingga tahan dari gesekan terumbu karang.

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Banda Neira Island is a Good Place For Diving

The Banda Islands (Indonesian: Kepulauan Banda) is one of the most beautifull place for diving in Indonesia. Either you are expert in diving or still a new one, you will enjoy the place. You can Start diving from Banda Neira up to vertical wall in Hatta Island. When you dive there sometimes you will see shark , penyu , a scholl of Napoleon Wrasse , tuna . big lobster and baraccuda. The Banda Island is a group of ten small volcanic islands in the Banda Sea, about 140km south of Seram island and about 2000km east of Java, and are part of the Indonesian province of Maluku. The main town and administrative centre is Bandanaira, located on the island of the same name. The Banda Island have a population of about 15,000.

Places for Diving in Banda Island.
Sonegat : This is the nearest place to dive. It’s around 5 minutes from beach. The location at Sonegat sea arm among Banda Neira and Volcano ( Gunung Api ) . Don’t forget to rent a guide man. There is one famous boy there. His name is Des Alwi. You can hire him as your tour guide. In this area you will see dogtooth tune , blue girdled and emperor angelfish.

Keraka Island : Keraka Island or some of people said The Crab island. A sand carpet in the north coast really a beautifull places for picnic. In the south of the coast there are several mini wall as high as 18 metre that was covered by hundreds large blue and yellow tunicates. In the east of the coast, you could see in the depth 10 metre , various fish of the coral stone and a group of barracuda.

Sjahrir Island and The Kapal Stone : The Sjahrir Island or that previously was known as the Island of bananas and the Kapal Stone only 20 minutes from the hotel in Banda-Neira by using the boat. This two places is a good for the activity dive in the morning, and the activity dive in the afternoon.

The volcano ( Gunung api ) : in May, 1988, the explosion from this mountain killed almost all coral around the Volcano, but now , some coral is grow again. The slope of the seabed reached 30-35 metre.

Lontar Island : the most outside fence from the Island threw, it was representative the outskirts part one sunken caldera, offered several good places for dove.

The Dutch stone : in this place, you will find heterogenous barrel and the tube sponge, and small caves and the gap. The fish that was in this area was very varying and heterogenous: a group snappers, large the Emperor, and blue-girdled angelfish, wrasses, large pinnate bat-fish and heterogenous bannerfish.
A i Island : this island offered the place dove best in the Banda Island. Good in the north and south coast and west from the Ai Island, was surrounded with the wall of perfect coral. Very beautifull
Hatta Island: the Hatta Island only 25 Km from the Island of Banda-Neira. A coral could be under the surface of sea water found some hundred metre from the south of the Hatta Island. To a coral that emerged to the surface of the earth, you could see the parade from unicornfish, Fusiliersm Jack Fish, and Rainbow Runners, often were see Whitetip Sharks.

Travel Tips
1. Check the latest travel advice for your destination and subscribe to receive free e-mail notification each time the travel advice for your destination is updated.

2. Before travelling overseas register your travel and contact details online or at the local embassy, high commission or consulate once you arrive, so they can contact you in an emergency

3. Make copies of your passport details, insurance policy, travellers cheques, visas and credit card numbers. Carry one copy in a separate place to the originals and leave a copy with someone at home

4. Check with health professionals for information on recommended vaccinations or other precautions and find out about overseas laws on travelling with medicines

5. Make sure your passport has at least six months validity and carry additional copies of your passport photo with you in case you need a replacement passport while overseas

6. Leave a copy of your travel itinerary with someone at home and keep in regular contact with friends and relatives while overseas

7. As soon as you arrive in another country, you are subject to that country’s local laws.

8. Please take care with your exchange rate. Check your rate in internet before you change your dolar. Or it’s more save to change your dolar to IDR in the bank. A good website to check the rate is www.klikbca.com

9. Say goodbye and thank you when you leave.

10. Dress modestly. Women should keep upper arms and thighs covered

11. Use only your right hand to eat and to hand objects or money to someone.

12. To reach Banda Island , you must flight to ambon first. You can reach ambon from Ujungpandang. From Ambon to Banda Island you can flight using Merpati Airlines.

13. It’s only a little accomodation there. Unfortunately no one of them make online business. So we don’t have any recommendation.

14. Don’t forget to bring your camera because you can go out to see the Dutch fortress and visited the nutmeg plantation. Also the route headed the Volcano will leave the impression that will not be forgotten with scenery that was amazing around the island of Banda-Neira

15. Dove is oke each of time year round but Don’t dove from July to September.
16. Dove really comfortable with calm water and had the good look power, but several places selam depended on several conditions that made these places only might be used by the experienced diver.

17. Tried to lease diving equipment from the big company, but remembered to check again diving equipment by your self.

18. For safety holiday please protect your self and your family with international insurance.
For Recommended international insurance program , please click link below :
Get the peace of mind you deserve while overseas. Purchase International Medical Insurance for as low as 70¢ a day.

19. Some Emergency case please dial 0911 108 ( Telkom Information Center ) . Here , you can ask your hotel telephone number and another emergency telephone number.

20. Have a Nice & Safe trip
Read More “Banda Neira Island is a Good Place For Diving”

Fort Belgica at Banda Neira

The nutmeg of Banda was in the 17e and 18e century a very good commercial product for Europe. In 1621 Jan Pieterszoon Coen, the governor-general of the V.O.C. in the Dutch East-Indies, gave order to kill all the Bandanese people on the Banda-Islands because they were not willing to allow the Dutch getting a trademonopoly for nutmegproduction on Banda. An enormous tragedy. 15.000 Bandanese people were killed by the Dutch . After the year 1621 pieces on the Islands called "perken" where hired to Dutch people by the V.O.C. ; they became managers of the nutmegplantations. Slaves were set in at the plantations. Those Dutch people where called : "perkeniers"

The son of Pieter van den Broecke was one of the earliest "perkeniers" on the island of Poeloe Ay, one of the Banda-islands. Later the family also started plantations on the island of Lonthor . Much of the things you see at Banda referres to the V.O.C. -period. At several moments on Banda you can see rituals in which the battle between de Dutch V.O.C. and the original Bandanees people is performed . Freedomfighters Mohammed Hatta and Soetan Sjahrir where exiled to Banda from 1636 until 1942 by the Dutch .
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A Brief History of Banda Neira Island

The only Church remaining in the Banda Islands. Legend has it that the clock stopped at the exact time the Japanese invaded during World War II - photo courtesy of Stefan

The fabled Spice Islands lie in the modern day province of Maluku in eastern Indonesia. The Banda Islands are 200 km from the nearest port town of Ambon, and are made up of nine islands - Run and Ai to the west, Manukang to the northwest, Pisang to the east, Hatta and Sekaru to the southeast, Banda Besar to the south, and the main central island of Banda Neira and its close neighbour, the volcano island of Gunung Api - together with two rock islets - Batu Kapal to the east northeast and Keraka at the Banda Neira strait entrance.

They have attracted regional and international traders for more than 3,000 years. Prior to 1500, no European had ever landed on the shores of Maluku, but there had always been Asian traders. The biggest and most valuable commodities were nutmeg and cloves.

The Colonial Powers Arrive

After the first Portuguese and European vessel, under the stewardship of Francisco Serrao, arrived in Maluku in April 1512, the balance of power that had remained quite stable and little changed over the centuries, changed abruptly. The building of a series of forts set a new precedent in Maluku. The forts were built to ensure security as an Asian trading centre and to protect goods and people so they would not be arbitrarily seized by a local ruler. This pioneer idea later evolved into the modern concept of foreign naval bases. But it also set an immediate cultural barrier between newcomers and local people; also a local legacy of foreign naval bases.

The Portuguese power in the islands faded with their empire. The Dutch had a confrontation with them in Ambon, and expelled them. That was the end of their presence in the Banda Islands at that time.

The huge impact that these tiny and remote islands had on the European continent at that time was immense. Maluku was the most valuable piece of real estate in the world five hundred years ago. Thus Henry the Navigator, Christopher Columbus, Vasco de Gama, and Ferdinand Magellan began their fates with destiny. They spread the word of god and enthusiastically secured as much spices as their boats would hold. Although the work was treacherous, a sack full of nutmeg from Banda would put a common sailor into an early retirement if he made it back to Europe alive with the legendary spices to hand.

In 1579 the Englishman Francis Drake arrived in Ternate, at nearby Halmahera, aboard the Golden Hind, taking several tons of cloves with him; and in 1603 James Lancaster arrives and raises English flag on the Banda Island of Run.

In 1602 the Dutch East India Company was formed with a base on Banda Neira Island, and in 1609 the Dutch arrive in force, thus bringing the ensuing conflict with the English into sharp focus.
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About Banda Neira

The Banda Islands (Indonesian: Kepulauan Banda) are a volcanic group of ten small volcanic islands in the Banda Sea, about 140km south of Seram island and about 2000km east of Java, and are part of the Indonesian province of Maluku. The main town and administrative centre is Bandanaira, located on the island of the same name. The Banda Islands rise out of 4-6 km deep ocean and have a total land area of approximately 180 km². The Banda Islands have a population of about 15,000. Until the mid 19th century the Banda Islands were the world's only source of the spices nutmeg and mace, produced from the nutmeg tree. The islands are also popular destinations for scuba diving and snorkeling.
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The Maulana Hotel

Banda Accommodation

The Spice Island Divers operation is currently based in the most luxury residence on Banda, Hotel Maulana, owned by Des Alwi the King of Banda. The wonderful waterside positioning of the hotel affords the most spectacular views of Gunung Api. The list of superstars to have graced the island is impressive; Lady Diana, Mick Jagger and Jacques Cousteau have all sought out the peace and tranquility of this exotic hideaway.

The hotel is a traditional colonial design with an expansive patio and outdoor eating areas, overlooking the gardens, just feet from the crystal clear waters of Banda Harbour, built on the site of Pak Des' family pearl factory. There are 50 rooms in the residence, All rooms are air conditioned and have en-suite bathroom facilities. At just $50 per room per night, rates are very reasonable.

Local Delicacies

Food served at the hotel consists of a delightful array of local delicacies, concentrating on fresh fish and local fruit produce.

Some lucky divers may have the chance to meet the owner of the Maulana Hotel, the ruler of Banda himself Mr Des Alwi, and a tour of the town in his company is a pleasure indeed. To see an 80 year old gentleman with such zest and passion for life is intoxicating.
Read More “The Maulana Hotel”

Happy Time

For a very long time the bandanese people had it extremely good. There was no raja or king or whatever to tell them what to do. Only Orang Kaya, village elders, but they were…, well, old! So Life was great! They were in the unique position, that their little group of islands was the only place in the world, where nutmeg and mace grew naturally. They traded with Arabs, Chinese and Malay, made a good living off it and, because growing nutmeg does not actually involve much physical work, spend their time fishing or hanging out in the shade on the beach with friends.
Read More “Happy Time”

First Encounter of a Smilly Kind

Now, the Bandanese had known for quite some time that a lot of their produce ended up on the other side of the world with people with unintelligible names in strange countries and were therefore delighted when they finally got a chance to meet some of them in 1512. Those guys, Portuguese as it turned out, filled up their ships with spices and then left Banda mostly to themselves for the rest of the century, concentrating mainly on the northern clove islands of Maluku. Not that the Bandanese were really heartbroken over that fact, since those newcomers always insisted on wearing heavy long clothes at all times, while having an aversion to regular baths at the same time.
Read More “First Encounter of a Smilly Kind”

The Original Spice Island

Spices, more specifically Nutmeg, Mace and Cloves were the assets which elevated the Banda islands to the most valuable real estate in the world. Spice traders from across the globe set out in search of the original Spice Islands, in the hope of returning home with a cargo of the exotic riches. Nutmeg and Mace were valuable due to their well known preservative and medicinal qualities. With the bubonic plague rife in Europe, any supposed cure had incredible demand; and indeed nutmeg was thought to be a cure for the Black Death. The secondary spice of nutmeg production, the vibrant red mace, was also believed to hold medicinal powers secretly sought by gentlemen folk of the time.

In the rare event that merchants made the journey successfully, the rewards were significant and the traders grew rich beyond their dreams. The resulting colonial residences and palaces that were erected in Banda are still standing, waiting to be explored.

By diving Banda with Spice Island Divers, there is always enough time to explore the topside culture and historical delights of the region.
Read More “The Original Spice Island”

Banda Neira's Dive Centre Information

Spice Island Divers are on hand to respond to any question or query. Contact the Spice Island Divers office with specific questions that are not fully answered here.

The Banda Islands are one of the most unique destinations in the world. But are very remote, as a result of this there are a few questionos which are frequently raised by divers,

What facilities are available at the dive centre?
Spice Island divers currently guides divers to Banda accompanying the group from Ambon, the central hub of Maluku. This means that all dive equipment and requirements can be dealt with prior to departure. In any event, with rental equipment from Maluku Divers or Spice Island divers should be re requested.
Is it possible to climb the volcano?
Yes, Spice Island divers can arrange a climb of the volcano, this usually takes between one and two hours. Successful hikers will be made honarary citizens of Banda!

What is there to do in Banda?
Banda isn't a very 'touristy' destination. There aren't many shops or souveniers to purchase. The community is relatively unchanged and so mainly divers enjoy a tour of the town to watch the community way fo life. The historical sights include Fort Belgica, the Butch Palace, Banda Prison, Hatta's House, Banda Museum, the local market and the nutmeg plantation on Lonthor island. Tours to the other islands can also be arranged on site, with Spice Island Divers.

Is there any literature about Banda?
The best book detailing the history and stories about Banda, but in a readable, comfortable style, is "Nathaniels Nutmeg" by Giles Milton.
Read More “Banda Neira's Dive Centre Information”

Banda Neira's History

The intrigue of the Banda Archipelago lies not just below the surface. The sense of history found in Banda is exhilarating, it is in the heart of the islands and the adventurous few who bravely embark on a rare expedition to the region will be rewarded with a trip of a lifetime. It was not always the case that explorers arrived in these waters with peace on their minds. Countless relics lay scattered across the islands, serving as reminders of the days when Banda was once a valuable commodity, one whose fruits were worth fighting to rule.

Periods of Portuguese, Dutch and British control left their mark on Banda, the main example of such instantly recognised as Fort Belgica, commanding the hill over looking the town. Cannons lay scattered about the idyllic streets and a Dutch Palace, traditional jail and the island museum, filled with artefacts discovered over the centuries, wait for exploration. A walk amongst the local markets, brimming with spices and the day’s fresh catch, allows visitors to experience the local community existence, largely unchanged for centuries.
Read More “Banda Neira's History”

Diving & Exploring Banda Neira

Spice Island Divers, a partner of Maluku Divers in Ambon, presents divers with the chance to explore the underwater delights of Banda, whilst offering extended time for exploration of the fascinating town.

The Banda Islands are amongst the most unique destinations in the world. The intrigue surrounding the history and culture of the region is mirrored in the underwater experiences too, with amazing variety of dive sites all easily accessible from Spice Island Divers dive centre.

Spice Island Divers offers the opportunity for divers to enjoy the topside and diving delights of a region which has for years remained remote and inaccessible. Dive Banda, the most abundant waters in Indonesia, with the only land based dive centre operating in the region – Spice Island Divers.
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Welcome To Banda Neira Island, The Most Beautiful Island In The World


Day 1: Airport – Free Program Upon arrival at Pattimura airport AMBON your guide will accompany you to your hotel in town.

Day 2: Ambon Banda Voyage by PELNI passenger cruise ship to BANDA NEIRA ISLAND. This voyage will takes some hours. Arrive Banda harbor and check in at Your Hotel Banda is famous because of its spices, beaches, the Volcano, history and culture.

Day 3: Banda Besar Tour Enjoy your typical Banda breakfast at your hotel. Cross over by boat to BANDA BESAR ISLAND to visit Lontor village. Walk the historical 360 steps Up to the remains of fort Hollandia. Return by the same route to the beach and by longboat continue to sembahyang beach for swimming and snorkeling. Lunch will be served at the beach. Back to Hotel.

Day 4: Historical Tour After breakfast at Hotel, a short walk to Banda local market. Continue to local museum see the antiques and historical articles. Have a stop at the Dutch old church built in 1852 which have 34 Dutch Graves inside, the Palace of Governor J P Coen was built in 1611, the Bronze statue of King Willem II. Back to your Hotel for lunch. Continue the trip visit fort Belgica dated back 1611 and Hatta, Syahrir Resident. Back to hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 5: Volcano Island Tour Hiking to the top of Gunung Api (Volcano) 660 meter highest peak Of Banda. Start at 05.30 am from the south side of the volcano and you will reach summit 08.00 am or less. Back to your Hotel. Lunch, dinner and overnight.

Day 6:Free
B'fast in hotel Free Program

Day 7: Banda – Ambon Breakfast at your Hotel. Return at Ambon island by PELNI passenger cruise ship. Arrive Ambon harbour and transfer to your Hotel in Ambon Town. Lunch, dinner and overnight.

Day 8: Ambon – Tranfer Out Depart Pattimura Airport for your next destination.
Tour price inclusive :
Touring by non AC mini Bussess
2 nights accommodation in Ambon
5 nights accommodation in Banda
Entry fees, donations
Breakfast, lunch, dinner
Transfer in/out
Land/sea transportation
English / Dutch speaking guide
Tour price exclusive :
Gratuities and tips for local tour guide and driver.
Return PELNI ticket boat
All personal expenses such as room service, laundry, telex, facsimile, telephone etc.
Any other optional tours, which do not specified in the itinerary.
Read More “Welcome To Banda Neira Island, The Most Beautiful Island In The World”

Banda Besar

Mountainous, rugged Banda Besar is by far the largest island in the Bandas, and the main location of nutmeg plantations. It has about a dozen villages and several historical attractions, but virtually no tourist accomodation. As such it remains very quiet, especially the far side of the island looking out to Hatta and the open sea. Nevertheless, it is well worth at least a day-trip from Bandaneira, and keen hikers or those looking for isolated beaches with great reefs just off the shore could actually spend days exploring it.
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Unbelievable Island

Beautiful, quiant little Bandaneira is the capital town of the Banda Islands, that were once the World's only source of nutmeg, and therefore the scene of much fighting between the Portuguese, the Dutch and the English.As a result of all this attention, both Bandaneira itself, and the Banda Islands in general, are full of relics of the colonial era: forts, cannons and beautiful colonial homes.

The islands are also extremely scenic, complete with an active volcano, and the surrounding coral reefs, largely undamaged by bombing, are about the most spectacular in Indonesia.All this has made them Maluku's most popular tourist destination.That is relative though - their remoteness ensures they are never overrun with visitors. Even Bandaneira itself is very quiet most of the time, and if you head out to the other islands, you are quite likely to have them for yourself!If interested in doing that, check out my pages to the neighbouring island of banda besar too!
Read More “Unbelievable Island”

Tahu Banda Neira?

Tahu Banda Neira ? Belum tahu ? Mari bersama saya kita keliling melihat lebih jauh Syurga di Ranah Indonesia ini yang juga merupakan tempat pengasingan beberapa Tokoh Proklamator Banda Neira Yang sejak dulu telah dikenal oleh Bangsa Eropa harusnya lebih dikenal lagi oleh kita Warga Indonesia. Dengan Laut Banda yang begitu luas, dengan ikan tuna yang tak terhingga, dengan Buah Pala yang menggiurkan orang kulit putih, dengan taman laut yang indah, dengan pantai yang memukau, anda tidak akan menyesal jika tahu banyak tentang Banda, apalagi langsung berkunjung ke tempat tercinta Bung Hatta ini. Selamat menikmati perjalanan menuju banda
Read More “Tahu Banda Neira?”

Banda Neira's Kora-Kora or Belang

Kora-kora or Belang, is the kind of boat that is similar to the boat, but much larger in size and length. Belang is a people's war fleet banda. at the party in dipancangkan flags from the traditional village customs are striped. It also, on the front and back of the party, also decorated with the flag.

The number of striped boater is 30 people, plus a helmsman and a natu (navigator). Under each flag is glued up a person, namely the head of the customs and the captain.

Belang is now used to welcome the guests who came to the Banda Islands. It also, often forged in the race between the killer village customary
Read More “Banda Neira's Kora-Kora or Belang”

Building Banda Neira's Museum

Building Museum Banda Naira containing goods residual colonial period. Visitors can see the gun collection, beverage bottles, cutlery and drink, weapons, tables and chairs, money-money VOC, harmapon, photos, and many more other collections.

Overall survival of the original colonists who traverse dating Banda Naira, such as Spanish, Portuguese, English and Dutch.
Read More “Building Banda Neira's Museum”

Cakalele : Banda Neira's War Dance

Cakalele is a war dance that comes from the Moluccas. Similarly in kepilauan Banda, but cakalele on the island of Banda cakalele different with other regions in Maluku.

Banda cakalele dance consists of five dancers. all the dancers are men. Dancers in the middle of the commander who is representing the People Rich Banda (people who are community leaders Banda, as the village head, the head of the customs and priests) who have been killed by the VOC.
Two dancers who holds a spear and put kapsete (cap of the copper property of the Spanish and Portuguese troops successfully defeated by Banda war) in the head, called the captain. Captain is leading the war, which is right next to the captain of the sea captain and a lieutenant is to the left of the land.

Two other dancers is holding a big knife Malesi and shield. Malesi is typical soldier war relic Banda Naira. Malesi in the head, worn headgear similar to kupiah.

Banda played cakalele dance accompanied with the sound of gong and Tifa combined into one. also added to the cheering audience that is a manifestation of the spirit of the community to encourage the pejuangnya the peace, fight for their fatherland.

Dance Cakalele can now be enjoyed during the visit of the guests, such as ministers and other. or dance caklele also will be played when the custom event
Read More “Cakalele : Banda Neira's War Dance”

Banda Neira is The Most Beautiful Island in The World =)

Many things that have happened on the island of banda, stories and historical stories have been going on in there. But you know that up to now still banda as old fashioned .... No significant changes that have occurred even though we are in a period that is very modern.

Various historical, marine parks so beautiful, the sea is abundant, natural resource that is invaluable price ...
But it also can not be used with the maximum.

Such as whether it should banda ...
Various theories have to appear hypothesis, but it failed there. Can what has been planned is too high? Or is it that human beings have not been able to do - what potential is there on the ...

As a young man from banda, I want to give a short question, I have the hope that citizens will get answers banda short and very clear from all of you ....

What should banda? What are the appropriate steps to promote banda seen in terms of the potential that there is ....

Your suggestions will help us in the development of our beloved area.
Read More “Banda Neira is The Most Beautiful Island in The World =)”