The nutmeg of Banda was in the 17e and 18e century a very good commercial product for Europe. In 1621 Jan Pieterszoon Coen, the governor-general of the V.O.C. in the Dutch East-Indies, gave order to kill all the Bandanese people on the Banda-Islands because they were not willing to allow the Dutch getting a trademonopoly for nutmegproduction on Banda. An enormous tragedy. 15.000 Bandanese people were killed by the Dutch . After the year 1621 pieces on the Islands called "perken" where hired to Dutch people by the V.O.C. ; they became managers of the nutmegplantations. Slaves were set in at the plantations. Those Dutch people where called : "perkeniers"
The son of Pieter van den Broecke was one of the earliest "perkeniers" on the island of Poeloe Ay, one of the Banda-islands. Later the family also started plantations on the island of Lonthor . Much of the things you see at Banda referres to the V.O.C. -period. At several moments on Banda you can see rituals in which the battle between de Dutch V.O.C. and the original Bandanees people is performed . Freedomfighters Mohammed Hatta and Soetan Sjahrir where exiled to Banda from 1636 until 1942 by the Dutch .
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